Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Liquid Lunch 2011-05m-27 (EA) Yogi Akal - Thomas H. Greco+Glen Alan - Mike Woodbridge - Ryan Rubin+Blocka

Hugh Reilly and Erin Ademoglu speak with: numerologist to the stars Yogi Akal on his event at the University of Toronto, and what the numerology of 2012 means for all of us; Community and Monetary Economist Thomas H. Greco speaks about alternative economic systems, comparing our present global economy to that of a caterpillar and stresses the need for us to transcend a debt and growth based imperative and embrace what he terms as an Emergent Butterfly Economy. Thomas Greco was a guest speaker at the Thursday May 26th MINT Film Festival Screening of The Economics Of Happiness and MINT will also be presenting 2 Workshops on Community Resilience and Sustainability on May 28th and 29th sponsored by Find A Way; Mike Woodbridge, director of "There Goes the Bride", starting next week performed by the Scarborough Players; Ryan Rubin and Blocka talk about "longboard living" and their two retail locations in the Kensington Market.

Liquid Lunch 2011-05m-30 (HM) Blake Phillips - ReelHeART Film Festival - History of the Peace Train

Hugh Reilly and "Noufie" (Saudi Arabia's first female comedian) speak with: Scottish singer-songwriter Blake Phillips plays and introduces us to his music prior to playing Hugh's Room Discovery series this week; Shannonn Kelly and Kojenwa Moitt tell us about all the great films at this year's ReelHeART film festival, beginning in Toronto June 20; Tim Spearman, host of Writings on the Wall on Buffalo's Micro1650am all about the History of the Peace Train.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Liquid Lunch 2011-05m-27 (EA) Yogi Akal - Thomas H. Greco - Mike Woodbridge - Ryan Rubin+Blocka

Hugh Reilly and Erin Ademoglu speak with: numerologist to the stars Yogi Akal on his event at the University of Toronto, and what the numerology of 2012 means for all of us; alternative currency economist Thomas H. Greco describes his analogy of our economy emerging as a "butterfly", but the caterpiller will not survive. Tom's in town this weekend for an alternative economics conferences sponsored by the Mint Film Festival and the Toronto Dollar organization; Mike Woodbridge, director of "There Goes the Bride", starting next week performed by the Scarborough Players; Ryan Rubin and Blocka talk about "longboard living" and their two retail locations in the Kensington Market.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Liquid Lunch 2011-05m-27 (EA) Yogi Akal - Thomas H. Greco - Mike Woodbridge - Ryan Rubin+Blocka

Hugh Reilly and Erin Ademoglu speak with: numerologist to the stars Yogi Akal on his event at the University of Toronto, and what the numerology of 2012 means for all of us; alternative currency economist Thomas H. Greco describes his analogy of our economy emerging as a "butterfly", but the caterpiller will not survive. Tom's in town this weekend for an alternative economics conferences sponsored by the Mint Film Festival and the Toronto Dollar organization; Mike Woodbridge, director of "There Goes the Bride", starting next week performed by the Scarborough Players; Ryan Rubin and Blocka talk about "longboard living" and their two retail locations in the Kensington Market.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Liquid Lunch 2011-05m-25: Carmen Romao, Andi Shi, Pam Killeen, Tom Fiore

Hugh Reilly and Stella Hunt speak with: original design and Canadian-made clothing retailer Carmen Romao; relationship coach Andi Shi tells you how to get that mate that you've always wanted; fluoride and nutritional activist Pam Killeen is in town for talk at OISE on orthomolecular strategies; entertainment impressario Tom Fiore on his days at the Royal York's Imperial Room, work with Gino Empry, Rick James couch surfing in Toronto, and the good old days of music in the city.

Liquid Lunch 2011-05m-26 (ML) Anita Mikaelian - Alejandra Ribera - Maiko Watson

Finally, a truly liquid lunch for Marla! Hugh Reilly and Marla Lukofsky speak with: Anita Mikaelian from the Kirkwood Group, representing Yellow Tail wines in Canada, and no shortage of sampling; Alejandra Ribera and Maiko perform live, both of whom will be appearing in this year's Funny Girls and Dynamic Divas show, in support of Sistering.org, June 2nd at the Jane Mallett Theatre.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Liquid Lunch 2011-05m-24 (NF) Joanna Parris - Darinka Blagaj - Cephise Cuming - Mobadass

Hugh Reilly and Natalie Filippelli speak with: Joanna Parris, bringing the "Etiquette Revolution" to high school students and the public in general; visionary artist Darinka Blagaj on her inspired artwork, the smile office, and breathing awareness into your chakras; Cephise Cuming, longevity specialist shows us how to stop deteriorating on the inside; from Saskatoon, it's Earl Pereira and Justin Lee from legendary island rockers Mobadass.

Real Health 2011-05m-23 - Thunder Bay Wind Concerns

Take one ancient, pristine mountain range looming over a magnificent Great Lake...Clear-cut old growth forests of rare sugar maples and other special trees...Get a permit to "Kill, harm or harass" any wildlife, including endangered species...Erect over a dozen wind turbines, despite known health hazards to all living things, and environmental impact on protected, pure aquifers...Do all this without proper consultations... EVEN THOUGH THE POWER GENERATED IS NOT NEEDED... AND THEN EXPECT THAT NOBODY HAS A WORD TO SAY ABOUT IT??? NOT ON REAL HEALTH !!! Join us and our special guests...Hear from those fighting the battle to save the Nor'Westers.... Find out how the Fort William First Nation came to the rescue... and backed down the vested interests.... for now! Good Queen Vicky would NOT be amused.... and neither will you!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Liquid Lunch 2011-05m-18 (SHu) Toz - Michael Mirolla - Melanie Cooper

Hugh Reilly and Stella Hunt speak with: Italian singer-songwriter Toz about his music and work as a busker here in Toronto; ex-tabloid journalist Michael Mirolla talks philosophy, politics, and discusses his novels (The Facility, Berlin), and poetry (Light and Time), and his publishing company, Guernica Editions; Melanie Cooper, founder of Connect Learning Centres on the need for her facility to help people recovering from disabilities (connectlearningcentre.com)

Liquid Lunch 2011-05m-17 (NF) Elizabeth Verge - Rocsanne Shield - Brett Mance - Brendan O'Farrell

Hugh Reilly and Natalie Filippelli speak with: certified brain trainer Elizabeth Verge on training the brain to embrace its possibilities; Rocsanne Shield, author of "Save Magic City" and how it can save communities negatively impacted by globalization; public speaker Brett Mance on how to "take control of your life and manifest your every personal wish" and his new class at YesFreeClass.com; ThatChannel political analyst Brendan O'Farrell on the future of the Liberal Party.

Liquid Lunch 2011-05m-19 (ML) Frank Nevelo - Francesca Rea - Blaine Nicholls - Dale Campbell

Fukushima radiation measured in Toronto! Hugh Reilly and Marla Lukofsky speak with: scientist Frank Nevelo who measures radiation live with a geiger counter, and compares it to his readings in Europe after Chernobyl in 1986; Francesca Rea from Investors Group specializes in helping people 40-55 years old with their financial and retirement planning; from Caledonia, Blaine Nichols, co-founder of 1000canoes.com talks about this amazing canoe journey down the Grand River and the great cooperation with First Nations peoples; fantastic web designer Dale Campbell talks about the evolution of the web and what that means for your business today.

Liquid Lunch 2011-05m-20 (EA) Diane Ho Lung - Roger Mittag - I.James.Jones - Dr. Joshua Gelber

Celebrate the rapture with beer! Hugh Reilly and Erin Ademoglu speak with: Diane Ho Lung about an amazing new health drink that makes you slim and nutritionally balanced; bierologist Roger Mittage from Chill Magazine brings in several beers of summer for sampling--available at your Beer Store; I.James.Jones aka Thin.King talks about music, mom, and the upcoming Ma Dukes event at Walnut Studios; Dr. Josh Gelber on the 5 essential components for great health.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Liquid Lunch 2011-05m-16 (JB) MMM Janette Burke - Bruce Bell - Mark Litman

Hugh Reilly and Janette Burke begin with Janette's "Magentic Marketing Moment", discussing the advantages of adopting a "green" strategy into your marketing, no matter how big or small your company; then historian Bruce Bell discusses the secret history of Toronto and his work writing about it for The Bulletin newspaper. Paramedic and educator Mark Litman talks about his work with Stamar EMS and some new legislation that will help victims of heart attack and stroke.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Liquid Lunch 2011-05m-13 (EA) Elaina Asselin - Jane Durst-Pulkys+Johanne Bernardi - Garden Jane Hayes - YP+Ryan+Dennis Morrison (Zeitgeist)

Randy Thomas, Hugh Reilly, and Erin Ademoglu speak with: Elaina Asselin, certified organic farmer; Jane Durst-Pulkys and Johanne Bernardi from the Institute of Holistic Nutrition; Garden Jane Hayes on urban gardening and more; YP and Ryan from Zeitgeist Toronto on the Z House and steps toward a better future; Dennis Morrison from the Urban Oasis Garden.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Liquid Lunch 2011-03m-17 (ML) Scarborough Players Theatre - Duff Roman - Caroline Canlas

Hugh Reilly and Marla Lukofsky speak with: The Scarborough Players Theatre on their next production; legendary Toronto DJ and music industry impressario Duff Roman talks about the glory days of music on Yonge Street and the documentary airing this week all about it; executive matchmaker Caroline Canlas makes your match.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

eLiquid Lunch 2011-05m-12 (ML) Peter Greenlaw, Louelle Levenberg, Pierre Poulin+Francoise Soria, Scumbally's

Hugh Reilly and Marla Lukofsky speak with: "bad cop" Peter Greenlaw from Denver on the toxic environment we all live in which is dramatically increasing rates of cancer, autism, and other illnesses; "good cop" Louelle Levenberg on the nutritional strategies we can use to cope with our toxic environment; French-born Israeli photographer Pierre Poulin on his "geometry of light" exhibit and discourses on cultural diversity being held in Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal in association with NewAcropolis.ca (Pierre is joined by Francoise Soria from New Acropolis Toronto); musical guests The Scumbally's, from Tofino BC and St. John's NF (now living in Guelph) perform their satiric brand of music live on Liquid Lunch.

Liquid Lunch 2011-05m-11 (T$) Andrew Knox - Thomas Greco - Timothy Phillips - Glen Alan

Hugh Reilly and Toronto Dollar president Glen Alan speak with: Andrew Know from Transition Toronto on how to move to make Toronto a sustainable city; author and monetary theorist Thomas H. Greco talks about "reinventing money" and the solution to the current economic situation worldwide; Timothy Phillips from Healing on the Danforth on massage and the other alternative healing arts they provide.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Liquid Lunch 2011-05m-10 (NF) Lisa Berry - Brad Compton - Angela De Montigny - Lauren Best

Hugh Reilly and Natalie Filippelli speak with: Lisa Berry, founder of "Dating your own diet", a totally new approach to food and weight loss; mortgage specialist Brad Compton on the recent regulatory changes and how they're affeting the real estate market in Canada and Toronto; Metis fashion designer Angela De Montigny talks about the state of arts and culture in the aboriginal community and her work during the Vancouver Olympics and the upcoming Calgary Stampede; Lauren Best is about to release her first CD "Sticker Collection" at the Supermarket on Augusta this Thursday, and performs two songs live!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Liquid Lunch 2011-05m-09 (HM) Ruth Garrett - Ahmed Jawando - Liz Bragg - Lyubomyr Solyanyk

Hugh Reilly and "Noufie" speak with Ruth Garrett, CEO of Manifesting Your Abundance, helping you to get where you want to be from where you are; Ahmed Jawando on the fall of the Lakers from the NBA playoffs; Liz Bragg, producer and director of Ismene, a play by Jeremy Menekseoglu in support of Gilda's Club; Lyubomyr Solyanyk on why aliens are real and the moon landing was a hoax.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Liquid Lunch 2011-05m-06 (EA) Jim Pagiamtzis+Patrick Bizindavyi - Tibor Shanto - Clark Lord - Ryan Memarzadeh

Hugh Reilly and Erin Ademoglu speak with: Jim Pagiamtzis and Patrick Bizindavyi on networking, mastermind groups, and the Profit Leader workshop being held this Saturday; sales guru Tibor Shanto on what's in your pipeline; Clark Lord on the accident that changed his life and the importance of going with the flow; actor Ryan Memarzadeh on his role in the new video game based movie Halo: Faith.

Wealth Management and You 2011-05m-06 - Inflation and Financial Freedom

Part 1: The dream of financial freedom at retirement can be great, or for some it can turn into a nightmare. Part one examines the effect of inflation over a long period of time and the impact on purchasing power. Real examples of two characters with the same savings strategy, but differing investment strategies outlines the vast differences in results. Part 2: Examines the breakdown of inflation, how it's measured and what can get impacted. The types of inflation currently in existence should reflect the type of investments one should own. Further examination of the relationship between money supply and inflation helps us understand what might happen next and that there are ways to position investment portfolios to benefit from it. This program is for informational purposes only. Views expressed are those of the author, not MGI Securities. MGI Securities is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Hollywood's Watching May 4th, 2011

Hollywood's Watching... Are you ready?

Liquid Lunch 2011-05m-05 (SHu) Cheryl Scoffield - Jeff Mole - Yemen Stargate

Somali pirates or secret stargate? Hugh Reilly and Stella Hunt speak with: Cheryl Scoffield on the importance of following up after the initial networking, and how CRMs (customer relationship management) software can help even the smallest companies; Jeff Mole of Trillium Energy on how you can be part of a public coop solution as the province moves to privatize and deregulate electricity generation. And of course, the truth about the stargate opening off the coast of Yemen (Somali pirates arrrrrrrh!)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Liquid Lunch 2011-05m-04: John McCallum, Joe the Investor, Brendan O'Farrell

Hugh Reilly and Marla Lukofsky speak with: former Liberal cabinet minister John McCallum on his Monday election win - the only Liberal to be elected in the 905 region - on the prospects for Canada over the next four years; Investor Joe Barbieri on the concept of investing with conviction, plus the investment climate in Canada under a Conservative majority; Brendan O'Farrell on John McCallum's interview and delving into monetary policy, with input from Paul Martin.

Liquid Lunch 2011-05m-03 (NF) Brendan O'Farrell - Nicole Attias - Daphne Williamson - Ahmed Jawando

Hugh Reilly and Natalie Filippelli speak with: Brendan O'Farrell to analyse the results of this week's election; consultant Nicole Attias on the importance of customer service as the point of first contact between the company and its customers; Daphne Williamson, founder of Exclusive Excursions and how her company is helping to solve the problem of homelessness; Ahmed Jawando on the state of the NBA playoffs.

Liquid Lunch 2011-05m-03 (NF) Brendan O'Farrell - Nicole Attias - Daphne Williamson - Ahmed Jawando

Liquid Lunch 2011-05m-02 (SHa) Brittany French - Bahman Yazdanfar - Juliana D. Hakmi - Brian Baumal

Oh Yeah! Hugh Reilly and Stu Hay speak with: young voter Brittany French on why she's voting NDP; independent candidate in Bob Rae's riding Bahman Yazdanfar on the importance of monetary policy; Juliana D. Hakmi on how her jewellery business supports abused women; gestalt psychotherapist Brian Baumal on changing peoples' minds and ending the practice of hoarding.